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Diane Brzezinski, D.O. FACOI

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Dr. B's Blog


diVa® Laser Vaginal Therapy—The Solution to Women’s Most Intimate Challenges

Everyone faces health challenges as they age, but women who have experienced childbirth and menopause face additional stressors that can affect their vaginal health. Depending on your age, childbirth history, and menopausal state, you may be experiencing any of the following intimate challenges:

  • Stress urinary incontinence
  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • Inadequate vaginal lubrication
  • Vaginal laxity
  • Difficulty achieving orgasm

While these health issues do not seriously threaten overall health, they definitely compromise a woman’s day-to-day life. Perhaps they’re making you abstain from sexual intercourse or keeping you from going to the gym or exercising due to fears of a bladder accident. Or you may have resorted to wearing pads or panty liners due to bladder leakage and accidents and find yourself needing to frequently use the restroom when out in public.

Perhaps you’re just accepting these inconveniences as just part of the natural aging of the female anatomy. However, internal medicine specialist Dr. Diane Brzezinski, D.O. advises her Naples, Florida-area patients to address these intimate health concerns proactively. While Dr. B treats the whole patient rather than specific conditions, she often recommends diVa® laser vaginal therapy to patients experiencing vaginal health-related symptoms. The minimally invasive, groundbreaking laser rejuvenation has proven effective at enhancing her patient’s vaginal health, which boosts overall health and quality of life.


While aging inevitably impacts the health of all tissues in our bodies, childbirth and menopause put additional stress on vaginal tissues. Childbirth stretches the vaginal area, and any tearing of tissues can lead to scarring. Menopause causes the tissues of the vaginal walls to thin and become less capable of holding moisture. Menopause also causes a reduction in blood flows to the area, which decreases vaginal elasticity, lubrication, and sensation. Childbirth and menopause can cause urinary incontinence because related hormonal changes impact muscle strength in the pelvic region.


diVa® relies on hybrid fractional laser technology that emits two different wavelengths of laser energy to stimulate the surface and deeper layers of vulvar and vaginal tissue to induce collagen production and enhanced blood flow. The diode laser helps resurface and smooth the surface-layer vaginal tissues, while the Erbium laser helps spur new collagen production in the deeper layers of vaginal tissue. Combined, the laser energy helps thicken and tighten vaginal tissues, improve lubrication, and enhance sensation. This rejuvenating action helps treat intimate challenges in the following ways:

  • Stress urinary incontinence—increased thickness and tightening of all vaginal tissues helps the ability to compress the urethra to better control urine flows.
  • Painful sexual intercourse—increased thickness of the vaginal walls and enhanced lubrication increase the vagina’s ability to endure prolonged friction.
  • Inadequate vaginal lubrication—enhanced blood flows to the capillaries that feed the vaginal walls encourages greater lubrication.
  • Vaginal laxity—resurfaced vaginal tissues and a boost in collagen increases the tone of the vaginal walls.
  • Difficulty achieving orgasm—increased blood flow is believed to stimulate the senses and boost arousal during sexual activity, increasing the ability to reach orgasm.


Your diVa® laser vagina therapy with Dr. B can be conducted in minutes with minimal discomfort, which most patients characterize as a pressure-like sensation on the vaginal walls. After applying a topical anesthetic to numb the area, Dr. B inserts the laser wand into your vagina for three to five minutes. After the treatment, you may resume normal activities, but patients are advised to wait 72 hours before engaging in sexual intercourse and to avoid full baths, hot tubs, swimming pools, and jacuzzies during this time. While some patients report a noticeable improvement in vaginal tone and health after their first treatment, Dr. B recommends that her patients undergo three sessions spaced 30-45 days apart, then a yearly treatment for optimal results. Dr. B might also recommend combining the diVa® therapy with the O-Shot blood plasma treatment for even greater results.


If you would like to learn more about diVa® laser vagina therapy or any of Dr. B’s holistic-centric treatments, contact her Naples-based Internal Medicine practice today by calling (239) 261-9990.